우리 연구실의 논문이 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 분야 IF 상위 2% 이내 저널(156  3, IF: 14.343)이면서, Cell 자매지 Trends in Biotechnology 게재 되었습니다.


Min BK*, Hämäläinen M, Pantazis D, 'New Cognitive Neurotechnology Facilitates Studies of Cortical-Subcortical Interactions’ Trends in Biotechnology, Apr. 2020



Most of the studies employing neuroimaging have focused on cortical and subcortical signals individually to obtain neurophysiological signatures of cognitive functions. However, understanding the dynamic communication between the cortex and subcortical structures is essential for unraveling the neural correlates of cognition. In this quest, magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) are the methods of choice because they are non-invasive electrophysiological recording techniques with high temporal resolution. Sophisticated MEG/EEG source estimation techniques and network analysis methods developed recently can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms of fundamental cognitive processes. Used together with non-invasive modulation of cortical-subcortical communication, these approaches may open up new possibilities for expanding the repertoire of non-invasive cognitive neurotechnology.